
Sunday, May 27, 2012


Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Hope yours is as relaxing as Captain looks above.

Every now and then (ok, fairly often) we let Captain curl into bed with us. It always cracks us up, because his tail goes wild under the covers. Click below to watch our little thumper!

Monday, May 21, 2012

A little Monday Love

I love how they curl up just so when they sleep ;-)

Monday, May 7, 2012


*Photo from Peter Barss' Flickr photostream, in the Vizsla Love photo group.

I had to share this photo when I saw it, because it is titled "Vizsla at Banff" and 1) well obviously- I had to share it because it has our favorite breed of good looking dog in it; but also because 2) I have been wanting to go to Banff for a while! It looks gorgeous and I love that sort of rugged outdoor-focused travel.

That trip will have to wait, though- because we just took at little 3 day trip to what seemed like ALL over California! Sadly, we did not bring Captain- a rarity for us- he stayed at home with a good friend though, so don't feel too bad for him ;-) For more on what the non-Vizslas did, read on.