
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Vizsla Name Ideas

Happy almost-New Year! Anyone getting a new puppy in 2013?

At my husband's suggestion, here's a list of 10 Vizsla Names for 2013: Popular names that seem to be trending, based on reader responses on Facebook, Vizsla's we've met, plus a dash of my own opinion - in other words, not based on any sort of statistics at all :-)

So here we go- in no particular order, great names for new Vizslas in 2013:

  • Boagie - This was actually one of the names in the running when we were deciding what to call Captain. It sounds distinguished and fun at the same time, and I love it. 
  • Riley- We've met quite a few Vizsla Rileys, and have heard about others. It's cute and playful and works for a boy or girl!
  • Molly- Molly seems to be a common and universally loved dog name. My grandfather's lab was named Molly, and I will forever love her- and this name. 
  • Penny- Another common, cute, playful girl's name that seems particularly well-suited for a Vizsla!
  • Whiskey or Rye- A Facebook fan posted that he has a Whiskey and a "Ry" (short for Myriah, sounds like Rye)- I love the originality, the fact that these names suit their color, and the boozey reference ;-)
  • Arrow- From another Facebook fan- OK, maybe it's not so common or "trending", but I listed it because I love how unique this name is, and how it evokes thoughts of speed- perfect for a Vizsla!
  • Chase - Another speedy name!
  • Ollie- Spunky and cute but still a little traditional- fits the Vizsla well.
  • Sadie - Another cute girl's name.
  • Ellie- We have met a few Ellies and Allies and it suits their happy energetic personalities.
Of course, my favorite male name is, not surprisingly, Captain  :-)  For more on why and how we picked this name, see my name post. But wait, there's more- read on for more names!

More great names...
Some more great names we've heard or thought of:
Girls: Ginger, Leia, Annie, Maddie, Gracie, Mavie, Lucy, Sophie.
Boys: Max, Augie, Alfie, Thurman, Tanner, Roscoe, Jefferson, Stryker, Bolt, Fig.

I've often thought, if we ever get a little girl Vizsla, I want to name her Leisl. There, I'm copyrighting it :-) I love the ring- Leisl the Vizsla. And, yes, ok, I was a fan of the Sound of Music growing up, of course, and I just *might* have run around singing "I am sixteen, going on seventeen..." :-)

If- or should I say when- we get another boy Vizsla, I have a few ideas that reference Vermont... because I love Vermont and it feels like home. Barnet and Cabot are two that I've thought about...

And these are some of my favorite non-Vizsla names:
  • Tator - fit him perfectly; he was a stout tan-colored Frenchie with tons of spunk!
  • Nacho- another name that would fit a Frenchie or bulldog... I picture someone adorably chunky ;-)
  • Stewie- again, I think this name suits a little guy!
Now I just need another dog so I can name him/her :-) Unfortunately, there are no plans for that in the near term for us.... I would literally get dragged down the street if I had any more weight than Captain at the end of my leash. Plus, Captain is my first baby, and he seems to like the spoiled only child life. But who knows, maybe one day down the line!

Have more name ideas, or did I miss a popular name? List in comments below!  

And lastly, a few naming tips:
  • Try not to pick a name that sounds like a command. We had a cat I named Noel when I was growing up- a Christmas kitty- who never learned the meaning of the word "no" because we called her Noey. She used to bite everyone who tried to pet her, including me- hard- and hide under my bed. Despite this, I thought I was a cat person and I still loved her- she was my first pet, and she definitely was cute as a kitten... she just got a little testy with age ;-)
  • Pick a name that's not too long- you are going to be saying it a lot!
  • Probably not a good idea to call your dog what Steve Martin's character did in The Jerk - even though my husband jokes about it ;-)
In the end, the best dog's names are ones that mean something to their owners- some special memory or place or reason for the name, something unique, or something you just love the sound of! My niece picked out her dog's name: Murphy- and I think it's awesome- completely suits him and is classic and cute, and it means something because she picked it herself. But no matter what you name your little fur-bundle of joy, surround them with love and you're all set. And share some pics on our Facebook page if you are getting a puppy in 2013!


  1. Replies
    1. I wanted Penny, but the parents vetoed it. Instead, we have Pepper for our Vizsla. (Though she often goes by "Pepperoni.")

    2. My votes for our second V were Penny and Pepper! I got vetoed though; we settled on Mika, and it is absolutely adorable, just like she is!

      Our first V was named before we ever decided to get her... we had always said we were going to name our first dog "Rowdy" after the stuffed (taxidermied) lab from Scrubs. Initially, I wanted to pick something more regal for such a beautiful dog, but we kept "Rowdy," which is THEE PERFECT name for a V! :D

  2. I just met a Viszla puppy called Greta and we are thinking of calling ours Feebee

  3. My V girl's name is Stella. I had rarely heard that name with a dog when I picked it but then met two other Stella's in various dog classes our first year and lots of other places. It seems to be one of the more newly popular names.

  4. My Vizsla is called Cohiba, fairly certain is is the only Cohiba.

  5. We just got a boy vizsla, he is our older dogs sidekick- so we named him Goose.

  6. We adopted our Vizsla just over a year ago. The SPCA messed up the paperwork with her name. Her previous owners had named her Ginger, which I thought was a great name. Yet they wrote it as Georgia, so Georgia stuck.

    1. That's funny- I was just thinking the other day I forgot to put Ginger in this post- I agree, think it's a great name! But Georgia is so cute too!

  7. My girl is named Freyja... she was formerly Maya... but that just was too plain for her!

  8. Our little girl's name is Betty.

  9. My family is getting a V that will be born in mid May and will be coming home in July. If a girl...Dharma or a boy.....Axle

  10. Our V will be born in mid May and come home in July. If a girl... Dharma if a boy..... Axle. I needed to find something really unique and that no one has really used before. I wasn't planning on getting a puppy so soon. But the chance came up and can't wait to meet our prospective puppy.

  11. We named our male Viszla Payton, He is named after the late great Chicago Bear running back Walter Payton!

  12. Caught this site bt accident. I'm really enjoying it. I am on my fourth vizsla. My pick of names were Panama Red, Blade, Shadoe and now Walker.Love the breed!!

  13. Love your blog!! My twelve week old baby boy is Mojo

  14. So I just picked up yesterday my 6th Vizsla, though this one is all mine. (4 of the other 5 I grew up with but were my Mom's dogs and the 5th is my brothers) he is a 7 week old pup born on Motherday's. So far we have named them, Molly, Lucy, Millie, Sophie, and Hannah, and I am really stuck on trying to name my new little girl

    Was leaning towards Khalessi, taken from Game of Thrones, since she was the smallest of the liter yet the most energetic, and the instigator. She seem fearless around the two other Vizsla's we currently have as well as a big yellow lab. And since she was born on motherdays it tie's in somewhat with the mother of Dragons. However my mom doesn't watch the show and hates the name,

    My other thoughts were for Riley, Issey, and Stoli.... just so hard to decide

    1. I love the name Khalessi.. you could go with her other name, Daenerys... or a shortened version like Khali. The other name ideas are good too though- I really like both Riley and Issey. No matter what you name her I'm sure you will all come to love it! Have fun with your new pup!

  15. We are naming our male pup - Copper.

  16. Our 2 year old Vizsla is named Flint. IM SOO EXCITED to be getting another furry redheaded baby in October! I Like the names Whiskey, Ranger and Chief!!! TOO MANY DECISIONS!

  17. We get our wee dog next week and calling him Tomy. Can't wait!!

  18. I inherited my dad's pug, Goldi Badshah (the golden emperor), and lost him quite suddenly in March. We decided that we wanted an outdoor companion and got a vizsla. Our boy's name is Bazyli (Baz), which means king in Latin and also honors our dearest pug.

  19. We just got our cute Vizsla puppy and named him Xander. I love the name. It came from a book the kids were reading

  20. We named our girl, CEDA because she reminded me of the color of a Cedar plank. Our neighbor is very old and miss understood her name, so he calls her Cheetah and she comes

  21. My female Vizsla's name is Ilsa - I love the movie Casablanca and of course Ilsa Lund is the character name of Igmar Bergman. Beauty for beauty sake. She's sooo cute!

  22. I recently put my thirteen-year-old Vizsla to sleep. Her name was Pree. I came up with this after watching the movie about Steve Prefontaine, the long distance runner. It was unique easy to say and fit her to a “T”. We also called her Miss Pree and Pree-Madonna. I’m looking for another unique name for my next redhead. The tough part is deciding on just one.

  23. We got a Vizsla pup 5 weeks ago. Her name is Ripley -- sometimes we call her Rip because she rips through the yard and house. You know that Vizsla energy! :)

  24. Just came across your blog, and saw this one from way back when.

    My 19 month old Vizsla's name is Vegas :)

  25. My first Vizsla was named Rozsda - Hungarian for rust. Our current Vizsla is named Dozsar - Rozsda's letters rearranged in honor of his memory. Some pictures of my dogs and inspirational words can be found at:

    You have a great blog!

  26. We just had to put our 12yoa Vizsla "Truman" to sleep at the beginning of this year. I picked the name from the Truman Show. It ended being very fitting according to everyone that met him. He was very regal looking. Come to find out, President Truman was in term when these dogs were 1st imported to the US, and the importers were good friends with President Truman. Interesting little coincidence. RIP Truman.

    1. Ours was a Truman, as well! Best dog we ever had.

  27. My vizsla's name is Jade. Her eyes were such a bright green as a puppy - it fit her perfectly! I had chosen Oliver for a little boy because it sounded so distinguished and noble like a V. I named the new lil' puppy Joy! She's a rescue and is always happy to meet everyone! Her little tail doesn't stop wagging as she rushes over to give you kisses!

  28. I am getting a Vizsla girl next month and we are most likely naming her Teca (pronounced TeK-Ka). It is hungarian for Terri. I just love it, and I hope that it fits her, I definitely think it is a great Vizsla name!

  29. My Vizsla is 10 years old.. her name is ASTA.. yep, Asta the Vizsla baby!!!! :) i would love another Vizsla.. \

  30. Loved my male Vizsla Ozzie. Lost him to cancer. My girls were Zoe and Bella. But I have 2 Great Danes now Stella and Libby. Had a Penny - daushaoud and Hazel the Weimer. Next dog doing back to the Vizsla. Maybe wirehaired. But holding onto a couple names. Victor, Vinnie or Henry. Girl Millie maybe Ruby.

  31. My son has Jade and King Jullian. Jade just had pups in Oct. I am getting a little girl. Stumped on a name. Would like to stay with the J's if possible. Any suggestions would help Thanks. :)

  32. My best buddy Pork Chop got hit by a car last month and we are headed to pick up a new V male. But we don't have a name we can agree on yet!

  33. Love this blog. My v is a lively 1.5 year old male named Ferrous. I'm a geologist so it seemed fitting for a red dog. Many ask is its after Ferris Bueler. I just go with it rather than trying to explain my geeky geo reference to iron.

  34. Need help deciding on a Male name for my Vizla!! Looking for something thats not common, something unique and different. Any suggestions would be great :) :)
