Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Echo Lake Hiking

Here's the last of the Tahoe pictures! Sunday of Labor Day weekend we went hiking at Echo Lake, a beautiful lake and trail region near South Lake Tahoe. It was absolutely gorgeous- and a great way to exercise the dogs!

Come on guys!!

I LOVE this one of Trax, in his "kitten mittens" - aka Ruff Wear hiking shoes:

We started to think maybe we needed some of those booties for Captain- the terrain was pretty rocky for part of the hike... next time maybe Captain will have shoes too!

Not a bad place for a swim:

Typical- Captain waits for the Labradors to do their retrieving...

... and then makes his move!

Some of the beautiful scenery along the way:

Great hiking and a great end to our Labor Day weekend 2010!


  1. Great Country and looks like beautiful weather too! If you do put Captain in "Kitty Mittens" can you let us all know how that goes?
